How do we put knowledge into work?

How do we put knowledge into work?

We begin by listening to the client to find out what they want, why they need it and how it should be delivered. Only then do we apply a range of knowledge, skills and expertise, to address what the client wants.

This may involve training, coaching and development of staff. It could include carrying out a health check or gap analysis. Some clients prefer a workshop or review with the team involved, to gain a common understanding of the issues and preparing a joint plan to resolve these issues. In some cases, a project needs to kicked off, so we hold an Opportunity Framing session to identify and agree the goal of the project and how to get there. Or we might work with the staff to address a technical challenge that needs solving, a process that needs improving or implementing new Technology. And sometimes we need to mix a number of the approaches above to address more complex issues. Overall, MGC takes a flexible, integrated and knowledge based approach to meet the clients’ needs. This turns knowledge into petro-dollars.

Peer Reviews

Peer Reviews

Peer Reviews or Peer Assists are typically workshops, where a focus area is reviewed with an integrated team, including staff from the field, to gain a common understanding of what’s going on and to identify opportunities to gather data, safe guard or restore production, or to optimise production or injection and unlock potential. Each type of review has a different focus area or timescale for implementation. Generally, the outcome is to have a prioritised list of opportunities.


The process of carrying out a Peer Review starts with getting the team together, including people from the field, if possible. At the beginning of the workshop, Management give their steer, which defines the objectives for the event.

We then Paint the Picture, where the specialists for each part of the system share and explain their understanding of the system, together with data and issues or concerns. They do this is in such a way, that everyone reaches a common understanding for each part of the system.

During this process, the team members identify opportunities, issues, concerns and bottlenecks in system, which the facilitators capture. This brain storming session is a constructive period where all ideas are gathered. Nobody should be shut down or their ideas rejected.

Having established a potentially long list of opportunities, the team needs to have a reality check to rank and prioritise the opportunities, based on the steer from Management and the objectives of the Peer Review.

Finally, a plan to implement the opportunities is developed with opportunity owners taking the lead. This plan is fed-back to management to get their commitment and support, with budget and resources.



Technical Reviews
Opportunity Framing
Production Optimisation Review
Well Review
Produce the Limit
Well and Pattern Reviews
Loss Management Review
Integrated Field Review
Peer Review Matrix

Integrated Sand Management Review
Develop Wellbooks
Well Intervention Review or New Well Review
Develop Well & Reservoir Surveillance Plan
Develop Well & Reservoir Management Plan
After Action Review


Process Reviews

Process Reviews

Process Review to streamline processes, using Lean Principles

Sometimes companies want to streamline their processes or establish a new process. Lean Principles are typically used for this to eliminate, simplify, standardise and automate (ESSA) the process. The key issue is to identify waste in the process, which is slowing the process down or not adding value to the final product or outcome. We concentrate on what adds value to the process.

Using the people involved in the process, which may come from multiple departments, they need to deliver a clear map of the process what are the key tasks, who does what, how does the information flow, where are the key decision points and who needs to make the decisions.

The end result is a process that people understand and have bought into, which is often simpler, clearer and more efficient, leading to a quality product, delivered more quickly.



Sometimes a client doesn’t know how well the process is going. So a Process Healthcheck can be carried out for a structured review of WRFM and PSO processes.

Staff are interviewed with open questions such as “What’s going well?”and “What could be better?”. A quantitative assessment is carried out, so that performance can be compared year on year. The Healthcheck is a constructive way of preparing an improvement plan, using people’s input, who have a vested interest in improving the process for themselves and the business.


Technical Courses

MGC deliver high quality technical courses, where people are stimulated to learn through a blended learning programme.

Participants will engage in a highly interactive learning experience, with a blend of class room learning, exercises, group work and discussion. The tutor will apply a range of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques, which will address participants’ learning preference styles. Active participation is essential, to share experiences and expertise of the tutor, as well as the participants. We can all learn from each other.

There are currently three one week classroom events available:
- Production Technology
- Well, Reservoir & Facility Management
- Integrated Sand Management

All courses can be given in-house if a client prefers.


Sometimes staff require non-technical support in their development. The Train the Trainer and Facilitation Skills courses teach staff how to plan and organise an event, whether it’s a meeting, workshop, training programme or some other event. In addition, people also learn how to make better, concise presentations which get the message across more effectively. An opportunity is given for them to practice giving presentations in safe environment with constructive feedback.

All courses can be given in-house if a client prefers.


Opportunity Framing is a great tool to kick off a new project, activity or when starting a new piece of work.
Usually, we hold a short workshop to align the team, agree objectives and prepare a plan.

This ABC process starts with:
A. Where are we now?
B. Where do we want to be?
C. How are we going to get there?

The facilitator takes the group on a journey through these three questions, so that it is clear what the constraints are, alignment on objectives and an integrated and constructive plan to achieve the objectives, which the group agrees to.

Integration & Building Teams

Integration & Building Teams

Team Building can be fun, as it takes people away from their normal work environment and allows team members to get to know each other better. However, what most managers want is an efficient team, collaborating together in the workplace. A top flight football team practices on the pitch, not by going karting.

So the concept of integration and building teams in the work place is important to ensure issues at the coal face can be resolved.

We can do this by bringing people together to work out what they are supposed to deliver. The team need to understand how individuals work best and what would make things easier for them to do their jobs. We identify blockers and enablers, which could deliver an integrated and efficient team, working together to achieve the company’s business objectives. In addition, we can observe the team in action and give individuals (including the manager) a coaching moment to address their concerns or improve their approach.

Technical work

Technical work

For technical work, MGC has a wide range of experience and expertise in Production Technology, Well, Reservoir and Facility Management and Production System Optimisation.

We apply a similar approach to each request for technical support. To start with, the project should be focused with clear goals and objectives. The technical specialist preferably works with team to achieve these goals, sharing their expertise and transferring this to the team by coaching them on the job. This delivers a sustainable solution, not just a report.


Completion Design

Tubing Stress Analysis

Tubing Sizing

Well Integrity

Well Modelling & Performance

Integrated Production System


Production Optimisation

Production Operations

Production Chemistry

Artificial Lift



Conformance Control

Downhole Sand Management

Flow Assurance

Commercial & Economics

Risk Assessment

Supporting Well Service and Completion Activities (on-site if required)

Production System Optimisation

Well and Reservoir Surveillance

Well and Reservoir Visualisation

Well, Reservoir and Facility Management

Brownfield Rejuvenation (Field Revitalisation)

Field (Re)Development Planning
