The process of carrying out a Peer Review starts with getting the team together, including people from the field, if possible. At the beginning of the workshop, Management give their steer, which defines the objectives for the event.
We then Paint the Picture, where the specialists for each part of the system share and explain their understanding of the system, together with data and issues or concerns. They do this is in such a way, that everyone reaches a common understanding for each part of the system.
During this process, the team members identify opportunities, issues, concerns and bottlenecks in system, which the facilitators capture. This brain storming session is a constructive period where all ideas are gathered. Nobody should be shut down or their ideas rejected.
Having established a potentially long list of opportunities, the team needs to have a reality check to rank and prioritise the opportunities, based on the steer from Management and the objectives of the Peer Review.
Finally, a plan to implement the opportunities is developed with opportunity owners taking the lead. This plan is fed-back to management to get their commitment and support, with budget and resources.